How This Blog Came To be

Monday, February 7, 2011


Swinging is one of the funnest things to do on a playground as a kid. I remember how it felt the first time I learned to do it by myself. It was a truly exhilarating experience. 

For some reason, it was hard for Aspenn to do this on her own at first. I remember her being so angry with me that I could do it and she could not. So I made it my personal mission to make sure that she could swing too, and soon. I was tired of the arguing and wanted to have more fun together. 

Once she got past her anger and frustration, she was able to listen to how I explained to do it. No one else on our playground had even tried to explain it to her in a way she understood. But we were twins and we knew how each other thought, at least in a lot of ways we did. 

It didn't take long for Aspenn to be swinging on her own, and then we were able to play more games we hadn't even thought of before. Like who could get to 100 first, or who could swing the highest. We would even have jumping contests off of the swings. Although we never really jumped that far, because we noticed that the higher or faster we were going when we jumped would hurt our ankles.

Aside from riding bikes, this was our favorite thing to do together.

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